World Without Waste

Global issues, global answers. 

Starting  with this consideration, Coca-Cola launched in 2018 the World Without Waste program that aims to provide a concrete support in waste collection and in develop best practices to foster recycling processes. 
An ambitious program but with three concrete targets:

  1. Make our packaging 100% recyclable by 2025 and use 50% recycled material in our bottles and cans by 2030;
  2. Collect and recycle the equivalent of a bottle or can for each one we sell by 2030;
  3. Work together to support a healthy debris-free environment.

At national level, we are fully aligned with these targets.

We are proud to be the first company in Italian soft drinks scenario to present  packaging made of 50% of recycled PET (r-PET), the highest level possible that the current Italian regulatory framework allows. We are strongly committed in adopting all measures to guarantee the reduction of waste and in the last 10 years we had reduced the use of materials as PET (-20%), glass (-25%) and aluminum (-15%).

We provide our support also after in the post-consumption phase and we strictly collaborate to oversee and coordinate the waste management and the recycling activities.







Above all, we would like to share Coca-Cola HBC Italia commitment for the reduction of the environmental impact, to fight against the spread of fake news on plastics and to begin a mutual collaboration with all the stakeholders involved.

This is the reason why, starting with 2018, we have presented the Upcycle project, in partnership with COREPLA,  a modular structure  created to better understand the themes related to the circular economy and to the recycling process.